Kingdom Builders
What is Kingdom Builders?
Kingdom Builders invites all women to claim their inheritance of peace and joy. This begins by attending a Kingdom Builders Gathering. These Gatherings take place once-a-month for 90 minutes and are broken into two 45-minute segments:
Teaching: The Teaching and monthly theme come from the Scriptures proclaimed at Sunday Masses during that month, coupled with inspiration from the lives and writings of the saints. The Teachings are humorous, deep and inspiring with real-life applications for living the faith.
Eucharistic Adoration: Our Builders take the time to be loved by Jesus during Adoration at each Gathering. We adore Our Lord through contemporary praise and worship music that connects to the theme of the Teaching.
The Kingdom Builders Mission is to build God’s Kingdom within the heart of every woman. Our efforts to build continue through personal prayer and planning at home. Kingdom Builders inspires women to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit to set goals for physical health, family dynamics, holy friendships, strong marriage, and more. These are ALL part of what St. John Paul II referred to as our Feminine Genius. We want to honor God in all these areas of our life.
Ladies, this is not just another item on your long “to-do” list. This is an invitation for God’s beloved daughters to take the time to be loved and transformed by their Heavenly Father. We are the crown jewels of God’s creation. Come build with us.
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Check out the Featured Events for our next meeting date and time.